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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - win


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 I. verb  (won; ~ning)  Etymology: Middle English ~nen, from Old English ~nan to struggle; akin to Old High German ~nan to struggle and probably to Latin venus sexual desire, charm, Sanskrit vanas desire, vanoti he strives for  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to get possession of by effort or fortune  b. to obtain by work ; earn striving to ~ a living from the sterile soil  2.  a. to gain in or as if in battle or contest won the championship  b. to be the victor in won the war  3.  a. to make friendly or favorable to oneself or to one's causeoften used with over won him over with persuasive arguments  b. to induce to accept oneself in marriage was unable to ~ the woman he loved  4.  a. to obtain (as ore, coal, or clay) by mining  b. to prepare (as a vein or bed) for regular mining  c. to recover (as metal) from ore  5. to reach by expenditure of effort  intransitive verb  1. to gain the victory in a contest ; succeed  2. to succeed in arriving at a place or a state  • ~less adjective  • ~nable adjective  II. noun  Date: 1862 victory; especially first place at the finish (as of a horse race)
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См. в других словарях

  v. & n. --v. (winning; past and past part. won) 1 tr. acquire or secure as a result of a fight, contest, bet, litigation, or some other effort (won some money; won my admiration). 2 tr. be victorious in (a fight, game, race, etc.). 3 intr. a be the victor; win a race or contest etc. (who won?; persevere, and you will win). b (foll. by through, free, etc.) make one's way or become by successful effort. 4 tr. reach by effort (win the summit; win the shore). 5 tr. obtain (ore) from a mine. 6 tr. dry (hay etc.) by exposure to the air. --n. victory in a game or bet etc. Phrases and idioms win the day be victorious in battle, argument, etc. win over persuade, gain the support of. win one's spurs 1 colloq. gain distinction or fame. 2 hist. gain a knighthood. win through (or out) overcome obstacles. you can't win colloq. there is no way to succeed. you can't win them all colloq. a resigned expression of consolation on failure. Derivatives winnable adj. Etymology: OE winnan toil, endure: cf. OHG winnan, ON vinna ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) горн. добывать 2) выделять металл (из руды) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) выиграть 2) выигрыш 3) победа 4) победить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. выигрыш, победа 2) общ., мн. ч. выигрыш, выигранные деньги See: loss, ratio avg. win/loss 2. гл. 1) общ. выигрывать, побеждать, одерживать победу 2) общ. завоевывать WIN гл. 1) выигрывать, побеждать, одерживать победу 2) завоевывать - win a contract Syn: gain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. выигрыш, победа (особ. на скачках, в спорте) 2. pl. выигранные деньги 3. выиграть; победить, одержать победу (также win out, win a victory) to win a battle —- выиграть сражение to win a contest —- победить в соревновании to win an election —- одержать победу на выборах to win a senate seat —- быть избранным в сенат to win a prize —- получить приз to win in a lottery —- выиграть в лотерею to win the day (the field) —- одержать победу to win hands down (in a canter, in a walk) —- разг. одержать легкую победу to win championship —- спорт. завоевать первенство to win individual championship —- спорт. победить в личном зачете to win on points —- спорт. выиграть по очкам to win a piece —- выиграть фигуру (шахматы) to win four goals to nil —- спорт. выиграть со счетом 4:0 4. заслужить, снискать, добиться, завоевать to win respect —- завоевать уважение to win affection —- снискать любовь to win confidence —- заслужить доверие to win compassion —- вызвать сострадание to win smb.'s love —- добиться чьей-л. любви to win power —- завоевать (захватить) власть; прийти к власти to win a reputation —- создать себе имя to win a supporter —- приобрести сторонника to win all hearts —- завоевать (покорить) все сердца to win a husband —- найти себе мужа to win an order —- добиться получения заказа (о фирме) 5. редк. заработать to win one's livelihood (one's daily bread) —- зарабатывать себе на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (личн. имена) - уменьш. от Winifred; Уин WIN out преодолеть все трудности, добиться успеха WIN noun; dim. of Winifred Уин WIN  1. noun выигрыш; победа (в игре и т.п.)  2. v.  1) выиграть; победить, одержать победу; to win the battle - выиграть сражение; to win the day/field obs. - одержать победу; to win all hearts - завоевать, покорить все сердца (или всех); to win by a head - опередить на голову (на скачках); вырвать победу; to win clear/free - с трудом выпутаться, освободиться; вырваться; to win hands down, to win in a canter - выиграть с легкостью; легко достигнуть победы  2) добираться, достигать; to win the shore - достигнуть берега, добраться до берега  3) добиться; достигнуть; приобрести, получить, заработать; to win consent - добиться согласия; to win ones way - пробить себе дорогу; добиться успеха; to win respect - добиться уважения  4) уговорить, убедить; you have won me - вы меня убедили  5) добывать (руду) - win out - win over - win through - win upon WIN a bet выиграть пари WIN a seat быть избранным в парламент WIN by a head sport  а) опередить на голову  б) с большим трудом добиться победы WIN office победить на выборах, прийти к власти WIN ones laurels стяжать лавры, достичь славы WIN worship достичь славы WIN over склонить на свою сторону; расположить к себе WIN the toss  а) выиграть в орлянку;  б)...
Англо-русский словарь
  (wins, winning, won) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you win something such as a competition, battle, or argument, you defeat those people you are competing or fighting against, or you do better than everyone else involved. He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election... The top four teams all won... Sanchez Vicario won 2-6, 6-4, 6-3. ? lose VERB: V n, V, V amount, also V n amount • Win is also a noun. ...Arsenal’s dismal league run of eight games without a win... = victory ? defeat N-COUNT 2. If something wins you something such as an election, competition, battle, or argument, it causes you to defeat the people competing with you or fighting you, or to do better than everyone else involved. That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election... ? lose VERB: V n n 3. If you win something such as a prize or medal, you get it because you have defeated everyone else in something such as an election, competition, battle, or argument, or have done very well in it. The first correct entry wins the prize... She won bronze for Great Britain in the European Championships. VERB: V n, V n 4. If you win something that you want or need, you succeed in getting it. ...moves to win the support of the poor... British Aerospace has won an order worth 340 million dollars. = gain ? lose VERB: V n, V n 5. If something wins you a prize or wins you something else that you want, it causes you to get it. The feat won them a prize of ?85,000... ? lose VERB: V n n 6. see also winning 7. to lose the battle but win the war: see battle to win the day: see day to win hands down: see hand ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle won present participle winning 1 »COMPETITION/RACE« to be the best or first in a competition, game, election etc  (Who do you think will win the next election? | win at sth)  (I never win at cards. | win by a mile/10 points etc)  (We won by just one point. | win hands down (=win very easily)) 2 »PRIZE« to get something as a prize for winning in a competition or game  (How does it feel to have won the gold medal? | She won -160 on the lottery.) 3 »GET/ACHIEVE« to get or achieve something that you want because of your efforts or abilities  (Do you think he will win the Republican nomination? | win sb sth)  (Those tactics won't win them any votes. | win sb's approval/trust/love etc)  (Proposals for an out-of-town shopping mall have won the approval of the city council. | win sb's heart (=make them love you)) 4 you win spoken used to agree to what someone wants after you have tried to persuade them to do something else  (OK, you win - we'll go to the movie.) 5 you can't win spoken used to say that there is no satisfactory way of dealing with a particular situation  (You can't win, can you? You either work late and upset Jenny, or go home and risk your job.) 6 you can't win them all spoken used to show sympathy when someone has had a disappointing experience 7 win the day to finally be successful in a discussion or argument; triumph2  (Common sense won the day, and the development plans were dropped.)  (- see also win the toss toss2 (3), winner, winning) win sb round/around phr v to win someone over win sb/sth back phr v to succeed in getting back something or someone that you had before  (How can I win back her trust?) win out phr v to win through win sb over phr v to get someone's support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them  (We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.) win through phr v to eventually succeed in spite of problems  (As in most of his films, it's the good guys who win through in the end.)  ( USAGE NOTE: WIN...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. Wildlife Information Network physiol. abbr. Waste Information Needs physiol. abbr. Women's Individual Nutrition physiol. abbr. Womens Individual Nutrition U.S. gov. abbr. Whip Inflation Now U.S. gov. abbr. White Indian Negro mil. abbr. WWMCCS Inter-computer Network mil. abbr. Wireless Intelligence Network mil. abbr. Warfighter Information Network country abbr. Wales Ireland And Norway airport code Winton, Queensland, Australia chemis. abbr. Water Insoluble Nitrogen months abbr. Winter funny abbr. Way Into Nirvana farm. abbr. Wyoming Independent Newsletter softw. abbr. Microsoft Windows network. abbr. Wireless Information Network telec. abbr. Wireless Intelligent Network file ext. abbr. Window file (FoxPro - dBASE) media abbr. Wisconsin Interstate Network media abbr. Writing In Narrative educ. abbr. Writing Improvement Network sport abbr. Women In Net religion abbr. When In Need religion abbr. World Intercession Network religion abbr. Word In Narrative law abbr. Winning Individual Neighborhoods law abbr. Women Inmate Nurturing gen. bus. abbr. Work Identification Number gen. bus. abbr. Workforce Investment Network gen. bus. abbr. Work In Newry NYSE symbols Winn Dixie Stores, Inc. firm name abbr. Waardensegmenten In Nederland firm name abbr. Western Information Network firm name abbr. Western Integrated Networks firm name abbr. West Islip Network firm name abbr. World Insurance Network account. abbr. Work Incentive Credit chat abbr. What Is Normal ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - fusion of O.E. winnan "struggle for, work at," and gewinnan "to gain or succeed by struggling, to win," from P.Gmc. *wenwanan. Perhaps related to wish, or from PIE *van- "overcome, conquer." The noun in O.E. meant "labor, strife, conflict;" modern sense is from the verb. Breadwinner preserves the sense of "toil" in O.E. winnan. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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